Saturday, January 24, 2015

BlogPost 2 : Troll or Should I say Trolls.

So you guys want to know about trolls of the internet?? well, let me give you some background what kinds of trolls lurking in the internet. So, what is an Internet Troll?

Well, literally someone who likes to troll a person who either intentionally or pointlessly yells and swears and insults someone with no or some purpose. They are usually spawned by arguments, disagreements, errors on grammar or just hatred. 

Base on my experience and observation about them is that trolls are literally all over the internet as in even in Online games, forums, community, bulletin boards, and specially on social-medias. 

Being a 9gagger(which I said in my last post) and a Internet addict slash gamer, just ignore the trolls and they will stop instantly. *I'd love to call it, "Stop feeding the trolls."* that's my only opinion to avoid them.

I read the article, "Internet trolls: a guide to the different flavours", by Claire Hardaker. The summary of the article is that trolls has a different kinds, a troll just having fun not really annoying but a little and there are the ones that is really pain in the ass that annoys you whether you like it or not.

According to Hardaker, "Perhaps the most disheartening aspect of my research is the general view – not just socially, but legally and politically too – of online misbehaviours and crimes."

The quotation said is that you will be demoralized when you deal in a lot of trolls for their trolling, it maybe fun but it is damaging for the sensitive ones, I do agree with the author but the internet is full of them and you will get trolled whether you like it or not and they will get away with it because it is the internet.

I read another article about this topic, "13 Types Of Troll You’ll Meet On The Internet", by Robin Edds. In other words article states that there is literally dozens maybe more of these Internet Trolls you will find across the Internet World Wide Web(WWW), and what characteristics do they have.

According to Edds, "The concept of trolling isn't necessarily wrong. Sometimes people say stupid things, and they deserve to be gently ribbed. Occasionally you’ll see someone write something you don’t agree with, and of course you have the right to reply. Keep your tongue in your cheek, don’t be cruel, and wonderful things can happen."

I agree on the quotation above said by Rob Edds, because you won't get trolled if your post is not literally stupid or doesn't make any sense. We control what we post and stuff we put in the internet so the risk is ours, and getting trolled means you have made some mistakes that has to be change, so for the future post you won't getting trolled by the troll.

"Grammar Nazis."

Please be good to me. :)

Saturday, January 17, 2015

BlogPost 1: Troll this, Troll that.

What is Trolling??

Technically it is to make a deliberately offensive or provocative online posting with the aim of upsetting someone or eliciting an angry response from them. in other words it is pranking in real life but this time you will be basically a douchebag on the internet. 

I have tons of experience of trolls, being a 9gagger, spends time playing online games and surfing on facebook, I've seen them basically trolling someone in action and they are quite good for their sarcasm and the "trolled" (basically refers them the "victim" of the trolls) they just keep feeding the trolls. *it may refer to believe in what sarcasm that trolls saying to them* 

My opinion about them is if you don't believe anything what they are saying or just simply detect the sarcasm they are giving you in other words "STOP FEEDING THEM WITH YOUR ATTENTION".

I read the article, "Scientific proof that trolls are ruining the Internet" by Zach Epstein.

The summary of the article is they want to have a troll-guard thing to lessen the trolls throughout the forums, blogs, news sites, social media networks and any other page that supports open discussions so it will be much friendlier for the netizens/users.

According to Epstein, "Internet trolls are not a new phenomenon, but people have yet to find a way to effectively stop these woeful web goers from spoiling the fun for the rest of us." 

In other words trolls are like stains of the whole internet, well, I beg to disagree because without trolls there will be no fun, no contradictions or maybe no one will read the forum or blog, trolling is sometimes amusing and a little bit interesting because it adds up to the story so without them the story wouldn't be a trend.

I read another article about this topic., "Your Online Secrets" by Jennifer Golbeck, Ph.D.  

To make it short trolls will just literally do anything to get your attention and contradict your point of view, they will lie and even exaggerate just to mock you, so next time if you encounter a troll just remember "Don't feed the troll", means just ignore them.

In a study done by Paul D. Trapnell & Company, it was mentioned, "Both trolls and sadists feel sadistic glee at the distress of others. Sadists just want to have fun ... and the Internet is their playground!"

The quotation above is if you keep feeding them your attention and it irritates you, they are just happy to see you suffer. that's the basic rule for them, they fed on your stupidity for being a gullible bastard. I agree with the author because that's what trolls do, they will lie and cheat literally just to mock you, my example is myself, I do troll sometimes but not the extent of making it a habit out of it but just to see someone getting trolled is fun to watch and entertaining at the same time.


So if you guys getting trolled just remember "Don't feed the troll."