Tuesday, February 10, 2015

BlogPost 5 : Trolling or Cyber-bullying?

In the increase of population of internet users, many of people are being active online. Many of us has a different taste when using the internet, some do it for good and some are just a scum and being an asshole on everyone in said community for example there are the trolls who is expert on flame wars and there is cyber-bullies who literally doesn't stop until their victims gives up. What are their difference? In this post I'll debunk what is the comparison and difference in them.

I read the article entitled, "Trolling or Cyberbullying? Or Both?", by Raychelle Cassada Lohmann. The short version of the article is they have similarities but they are not the same because the trolling is just for fun for the trolls and cyber-bullying is used to humiliate the victim until the person quits.

According to Lohmann, "The sole purpose of trolling is angering people and Cyber-bullying is deliberate and repeated harm inflicted through using the Internet"

I agree on what Lohmann said, because that is what the troll wants to only anger their victim and gain happiness out of it while Cyber-bullies just want to ruin the psychology of their victim and make it over and over again until it snaps.

I read another article entitled, "Difference Between a Troll & a Cyberbully", by Micah McDunnigan. The article proves that troll and cyber-bullies are different even though they are in the same concept but trolling is just trolling and cyber-bullying can hurt psychology if exceeds.

According to McDunnigan, "Trolls seek to rile online communities and attract attention to themselves, while cyber-bullies just want to use the Internet to hurt their victims."

I agree on what she said because the trolls are fun even if they are pain in the ass sometimes but what they do is art, they make the internet a fun place because of their humor and wit while the cyber-bullies is just a scum that doesn't belong in the internet.

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